Our California Holtzendorff Families

Dale and Bette Holtzendorff were married December 17, 1939 in Lincoln, Nebraska.
They then moved to California. They had 4 boys, Chuck, Bruce, Dave and Lee.
Those boys are all married now and living in Southern California with their families.

Chuck and Diana Holtzendorff - February 2004
Click here to see their children and grandchildren.

Bruce and Rae Holtzendorff - December 2001
Click here to see their children and grandchildren.

Dave and Debbie Holtzendorff - April 2001
Click here to see more about Dave's family members.

The Lee Holtzendorff Family - Christmas 1996 - Lee, Michael and Debbie
Click here to see more about Lee's family.

We are very proud of our family ancestry.
William Frederick von Holtzendorff was born about 1713 in
Brandenburg, Germany. He and his brother, John, immigrated to the new English
Colony of Georgia about 1733.
Click here to see our Family History.
The Holtzendorff History
We saw a lot of Holtzendorff family history sites in Georgia on our
April 2000 vacation.
Click here to see where we went.
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