The Bruce Holtzendorff Family

Bruce and Rae Holtzendorff have
5 children and so far 7 grandchildren.

2007 L-R: Rae, Bruce, Sara, Philip, Bryan,
Kandy, Kristen, Karlene, Bob, Cassie and Tommy

Kandy and Kip Sherwood
November 1998
The Robert Chapa Family - Christmas 2005
L-R: Bob, Caleb, Matthew, Karlene and Joshua

Kristin and Bryan Holtzendorff
July 19, 2003
Philip and Sara Holtzendorff
July 19, 2003
Tommy is standing in
his brother's wedding - July 2003

Bruce's Photo Album
Rae is very creative. She is showing the
quilt she made for Kristin.

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